How Can You Tell You’ve Found the Right DUI Defense Lawyer?
How Can You Tell You’ve Found the Right DUI Defense Lawyer?
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Many people have problems with alcohol. If you have several alcoholic beverages every day, without fail, then you might fall into the alcoholic category. Even if you don’t technically fit the definition, you probably want to cut back on this behavior.
If you like to drive after drinking, though, that’s considerably worse. If the cops pull you over, and they smell alcohol on your breath, then they will likely give you a breathalyzer. They may put cuffs on you and drive you to jail if you’re over the legal limit.
At that point, locating a skilled DUI defense lawyer becomes crucial. How can you tell you’ve found the right one to represent you, though? We will discuss that in detail in the following article.
1. They Have Plenty of Positive Online Feedback
Maybe you know someone who had a DUI in the past, and they speak well of the lawyer that they used. If so, then you might seek out that same attorney. If you know they did a great job for someone in your situation before, then they can probably do so again.
If you don’t know anyone who can recommend a DUI defense lawyer, then you will likely need to look for one online. You might see several options in your geographic region. You can probably make a short list of some of the better ones.
You can tell which ones have a sterling reputation by seeing what kind of feedback each one has online. You might look on their website to see what other clients have to say about them.
However, if you do that, you will see biased reviews, since presumably, the lawyer picked each one that they wanted to feature on their site. That’s why it also makes sense to look at online message boards, on social media platforms, and at this lawyer’s Google Business listing.
If they have five stars attached to their Google Business listing and many positive reviews, then you can probably feel more comfortable about hiring them.
2. They Have Prior Experience in This Niche
When you meet with the lawyer, you can tell them what happened. You can also see what kind of an impression they give you.
They should seem friendly and attentive. If they appear rude or distracted, then you will probably want to use another option.

If they say that they just got into this niche, then you may want to reconsider using them. You presumably don’t want a neophyte lawyer representing you when it comes to something this vital. How this court appearance goes will likely impact your life quite a bit, so you can’t make this decision lightly.
3. They Can Enact a Plan That Benefits You
If the lawyer says that they have plenty of prior experience, then you can next talk to them about what they recommend doing. Once you lay out all the facts of the case, they should formulate an opinion about the best course of action for you to take.
The lawyer will probably ask you questions like how much alcohol you consumed before the cops pulled you over. They will likely ask whether you’ve had any prior DUIs as well.

If you agree with what they want you to do, then using them as your lawyer makes sense. If you don’t feel like you’re aligned with what they’re recommending, though, then you might have to go with someone else.
4. They’ll Charge You an Amount You Can Afford
If you and this lawyer seem aligned with what you want to do, then you can next ask them how much they charge. If you hire a DUI Defense lawyer, then that’s not like a personal injury case, where you will pay your lawyer via contingency. No matter how your DUI concludes, you will need to pay your attorney in this instance.
You need to know that you have enough money to pay them. If they want to charge you an amount that you simply can’t afford, then you will need to either find someone cheaper or to get a public defender.
5. They Can Act as Your Cheerleader When You Need It
If all this sounds good to you, then you can probably move forward with hiring this lawyer to represent you. You will probably want to look for one additional thing while you go through this difficult legal process, though.
You want to know whether your lawyer will act as your cheerleader when you need it the most. Hopefully, your family members will support you during this challenging time. You made a mistake, but ideally, they will forgive and support you.

At the same time, though, you want your lawyer to come from a place of honesty. You want compassion and sympathy from them, but also the truth.
If that means telling you something hard that you need to hear, they shouldn’t shy away from that. It’s another crucial quality DUI defense lawyers should have. Report this page